Oh nothing, just a person dressed up as a squid on the MRT

Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook

In Singapore, there’s this phrase that’s commonly used: “Blur like sotong”. ‘Sotong’ is the Malay word for squid, and the phrase is a derogatory term used to describe someone who’s inept, awkward, bungling or simply living in his/her own world.

Welp, someone took the term literally by donning a squid (or is it an octopus? Either way, a cephalopod) costume and riding an MRT train, sitting awkwardly in between some bored-looking commuters.

Octopus costume MRT
Photo: All Singapore Stuff Facebook page

It’s unclear where or even why Sotong Person did so, but really, would it matter? Maybe the person’s just working through some stuff, like the dude who wore a Green Ranger costume while commuting around town. Despite the surreal absurdity to the whole thing, some Singaporeans managed to retain their no-chill attitude:


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