UPDATE: NUH refutes post about staff ignoring pregnant patient; netizens leap to defense of accused uncle
An angry mother took to Facebook after witnessing an incident that shook her yesterday morning at the National University Hospital (NUH), where a staff member was accused of neglecting to provide urgent attention to a patient in labor.
According to the Facebook post by Preet Sandhu, she noticed a pregnant lady crying in pain outside the NUH Children’s Emergency Department. The lady claimed that the male nurse at the counter did not give proper attention to the pregnant mother, even telling an assistant to hold off from bringing her in for treatment. An odd instruction he apparently gave out, considering that every second counts during labor.
Perplexed by the alleged negligence, Preet started recording the incident on her mobile phone, catching on video the pregnant woman clutching her stomach and visibly grimacing in pain (blurting out “Oh, God” at one point). The nurse at the counter, however, didn’t appear to be bothered, and an assistant eventually carted the poor lady into the hospital without waiting for further instructions.
Throughout the episode, the accused nurse seemed to be busying himself with handling people in the queue, simply offering “I have nothing to say” to the camera. Preet can be heard angrily narrating the kerfuffle, claiming that negligence was why her father died at NUH.
Preet’s footage of the incident has since been taken down from Facebook.
“I spoke up to him and told him about the situation and then only he took notice as he knew I have my phone and has started recording the event,” Preet wrote.
“Sad state of affairs we are in.”
We’ve reached out to NUH to hear their clarification of the incident.