NTUC FairPrice removes ‘horrifying’ maggot-infested chili flakes from shelves

Screengrabs from the video showing maggots wriggling out from a bottle of chili flakes. Photos: Alan/Stomp
Screengrabs from the video showing maggots wriggling out from a bottle of chili flakes. Photos: Alan/Stomp

A Singapore man found out his pizza had an extra topping he didn’t expect.

Singapore supermarket chain NTUC FaiPrice has removed the Morrisons chili flakes from its shelves after a man, only known as Alan, found maggots in it only after they finished eating the pizzas they covered the flakes with. 

“When we poured the chilli flakes onto our homemade pizzas, we were shocked to see so many worms wriggling on the plates. My family members had eaten the pizzas without noticing the worms,” Alan told Stomp yesterday.

In a clip, the flakes appeared clumpy and have most likely gone stale but it was still available on shelves as Alan said he bought it from the FairPrice Finest outlet on Marine Parade Central on Jan. 27.

The maggots and larvae can be seen wriggling its way out when the flakes were poured out on a plate.

Alan said the incident was “so horrifying and grotesque.”

FairPrice told Stomp that they have removed the product from shelves and will be giving Alan a full refund.

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