A man seemingly disgruntled over bungled deliveries has retreated back into the darkness after his vile complaint wishing the coronavirus on SingPost employees met a blistering response.
SingPost spokesperson Robin Goh clapped back with no sarcasm spared to the uncool comment made by Keiv Kuan in a Jan. 31 post wishing “you and your staffs at Singpost all are infected by coronavirus or died on the road.”
“I have personally investigated your case, in the hope to understand the wrath behind the condemnation towards all SingPost staff members,” Goh wrote in reply to Kuan’s complaint that his parcel was not delivered despite rearranging it three times. “For the first time, I was truly hoping that my delivery staff made such a grave (yes, pun fully intended) mistake to perhaps justify such a condemnation; that during this difficult time of an international health crisis, we at SingPost, all deserve to be infected and die. Alas, I failed.”
Kuan’s original post – as well as his Facebook and Instagram accounts – were no longer available today, but their exchange was immortalized in screenshots circulating online today.
SingPost today confirmed that the exchange was authentic.
After explaining that SingPost was not the cause of his ordeal, findings Goh added that the company “continues to ensure the well-being of our postmen and parcel ambassadors, so as to continue to serve the community, in good health and in good spirits. The latter, which you, unfortunately sorely lack.”
Goh then ended his response doubling down on the cattiness by correcting Kuan’s grammar: “Oh and it’s ‘staff’ not ‘staffs.’”
Some would say Goh was being gracious in response to Kuan’s original message.
“I wish that you and your staffs at Singpost all are infected by coronavirus or died on the road … as that would make me believe that the delivery (which has been rearranged and promised 3x times) is actually unsuccessful!! #gotohell,” he wrote in the now-deleted post.
Netizens have roundly criticized Kuan and rallied to support the national mail carrier, including Facebook user Winston Tay.
“I have nothing but contempt for this person. And as much as I know I should, I have no wish to empathize with him for whatever issue he seems to have in his life that he feels it necessary to spew such utter hate on anyone,” read Tay’s post, which included screenshots of the exchange.
“My utmost respect to Robin for keeping his cool and responding the way he did. I will be sure to give you a big big hug for having to deal with this to begin with,” he said complimentary of Goh.
“Totally uncalled for. I have so many things to say about this, but none of it is nice, so I shall choose to not say anything at all. Robin, my utmost respect to you,” a Regina Soejanto-Moo said.
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