Man dressed as moon goddess descends to Earth to take the train to Chinatown

Photo: All Singapore Stuff/Facebook
Photo: All Singapore Stuff/Facebook

There’s no lack of entertainment on board MRT trains in Singapore. There was the person dressed up as a bright orange squid sitting uncomfortably between bored-looking commuters. Then there was the Green Ranger, who ditched his Dragonzord for public transport.

And, of course, there are the never-ending train breakdowns that happen so often even SMRT, it seems, can’t be bothered to issue updates anymore.

But here’s a new one. In light of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival on Oct 4, the legendary moon goddess Chang’e herself has descended to Earth to bless us with her presence.

Or at least, it’s someone who’s (maybe?) attempting to look like her.

The man, who was spotted on the North-East Line on Thursday, stepped on board wearing the embellished yellow and pink costume paired with headgear that was equally as extravagant.

According to Stomp, several amused commuters on the same train approached the man to take photos with him, while others awkwardly ignored him until he got off at — you guessed it — Chinatown station.

Perhaps he was just (over)excited to be a part of the festive celebrations.


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