It’s been a no good, very bad week for Pentel Singapore — the poor individual running the brand’s Facebook page just can’t catch a break over grammatical gaffes.
Last Friday he/she uploaded an unintentionally hilarious post, harmlessly promoting the rubber erasers in a rather grammatically challenged copy. Behold:
For a company that produces writing equipment — surely they’d at least be well-read enough not to publish such a shoddy composition? For a company that produces erasers, surely they’d know how to rub out the errors and use the edit function in their post? Netizens went savage on the post — but hey, at least an actual post about cheap stationery achieved organic virality like never before.
Two days later, Pentel Singapore issued an apology for the grammatical error — though they really shouldn’t have done so. Fuck the haters man, it brought a crazy amount of attention to the brand, and that’s what matters most for digital marketing. Alas, the apology itself was written awkwardly, with yet another grammatical error to boot.
At this point of time, the lack of proofreading seemed to annoy netizens, who called out for the company to employ new social media managers. Crumbs, are Singaporeans really that petty to get worked up over semantics to the point of bullying a lil’ ol’ stationery company about their social media syntax? Chill lah, grammar nazis — nazis do get punched after all.
Anyway, it seems like Pentel Singapore really did switch up their social media manager, judging from their new Facebook post. Wanting to start anew, the page promises to be there for you should you require erasing your mistakes. Which is pretty meta, really. Respect to those guys if the whole saga’s been a long con to gather more social media engagement. Brava!