Local pastafarian exercises right to wear strainer on his head for Australian driving license

Praise be to His Noodly Appendage, a devotee to the Flying Spaghetti Monster paid respects to the Almighty Al Dente by respectfully donning his religious headgear for a driving license photo. 

Australia-based Dan Tang became the first Singaporean to do so, in a long line of fellow Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster disciples who’ve done so in a display of parodical zest. Speaking to the Humanist Society (Singapore) — of which he has been volunteering for in the past — Tang’s religious headgear served many purposes in the past, including “making pasta dishes and draining water for vegetables”. 

His real intention however — like many of fellow Pastafarians — was to make a lighthearted statement against the teaching of Intelligent Design and Creationism in public schools. Here’s a primer on what exactly the (anti)religion teaches and more on their supreme deity — a literal floating blob of spaghetti, meatballs and eyeballs.

On a legal standpoint, it was perfectly fine and dandy for Tang to be wearing the plastic strainer for the photo. He even came to the photoshoot prepared with proof that it was not illegal to do so in the state of Victoria, so long that it didn’t cover his face. 

On whether he would encourage others to do the same, he strongly recommends Singaporeans to do so, considering religions are both respected and protected here. Ramen to that, brother, ramen to that. 


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