Lee Kuan Yew’s children takes the Singapore Government to court over his old interviews

Two children of Lee Kuan Yew have now filed a suit with the government over an issue about the usage of some of their late father’s interviews. 

Dr Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang — younger siblings of current prime minister Lee Hsien Loong — are seeking the High Court’s guidance on a “proper interpretation of an interview agreement between the late Mr Lee and the Government”, The Straits Times reports. 

They had requested copies of transcripts of interviews that their father, the founding prime minister of Singapore, made in 1981 and 1982 to the Government’s Oral History Department. They claim that the transcripts were in possession of the Lee Kuan Yew Estate. 

However, the Government disagreed, saying that an interview agreement was entered in early 1983 which maintains that the Lee Kuan Yew Estate are not entitled to use and possess copies of the transcripts. 

Pretty unexpected — you’d think anyone associated with Lee Kuan Yew himself would be on the same page with the government he founded. 

Photo: Remembering Lee Kuan Yew Facebook page


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