Heads up, public servants in Singapore — all your computers used for official business will be sent straight back to the dark ages, starting from May next year. That’s right, no more Internet for you. A memo has been sent to all government agencies, ministries and statutory boards here, in a rare and surprising move to tighten security and stop potential leaks from work e-mails and shared documents. There are about 100,000 computers used for public service, and all of them will be affected by the change.
Trials have actually started in April with employees within the Infocomm Development Authority (wonder how that’s going). But no worries, there will be Internet terminals for those who need them to, you know, connect to the outside world. Just that you’ll be getting regular ’90s deja vu vibes and flashbacks. And you’ll still be able to check your Instagram feed on your personal devices and forward work e-mails to private accounts if needed. Not all is lost.