Hiss-teria in Tampines: 3-meter python puts on a show at Block 428

Photo supplied to Shin Min Daily News
Photo supplied to Shin Min Daily News

In a shocking reptilian rendezvous, residents of Block 428 Tampines Street 41 found themselves face to face with a scaly surprise on Monday morning when a three-meter-long python decided to spice up their daily stairwell routine.

Eyewitnesses described the serpent sensation as a “coiled thriller,” with the snake elegantly draped around a banister like the star of a slithering fashion show. The residents, instead of taking the elevator, were treated to an unexpected escalator of scales between the third and fourth floors.

Shin Min Daily News reporters, eager to unravel the twists and turns of the serpent saga, rushed to the scene, documenting the jaw-dropping event. The snake, as thick as a well-fed calf, seemed to have enrolled in a ‘stand-still yoga class’ as it held its pose without a single sssslip-up.

National Parks Board (NParks) staff, trained in snake-charming diplomacy, arrived on the scene to deal with the unexpected guest. In a scene reminiscent of a reptilian rodeo, they swooped in, captured the python, and stylishly placed it in a gunny sack, concluding the episode of the stairwell stand-off.

Local resident Mr. Zhang, a 39-year-old accountant, shared his family’s adrenaline-fueled morning escapade. His domestic worker, on a routine stairwell saunter, encountered the python in all its scaly glory. In a move that could rival any Olympic sprinter, she sprinted home faster than you can say “hiss-terical.”

Zhang, caught up in the corporate hustle, received a video from his neighbor showcasing the snake’s star-studded performance. As he hurried off to work, he left his family with one piece of advice: “Stair clear of the stairwell!”

Another resident, who may have missed his calling as a wildlife photographer, alerted NParks after his father stumbled upon the python during his early morning commute. It seems the snake was in search of some serpent-style breakfast in the heart of Tampines.

NParks, being the true heroes of this slinky spectacle, issued a public advisory urging residents to maintain a safe distance from snakes encountered in public spaces. “No need to hiss-itate, just back away slowly,” they quipped.

As the news of Tampines Tango spread like wildfire (or perhaps, snake fire), NParks reminded the public to resist the temptation to play snake charmer themselves. Instead, citizens were advised to dial the NParks’ 24-hour Animal Response Centre at 1800-476-160 for snake-related assistance.


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