Hangry Punggol Mom bites into undercooked McDonald’s patty, lives to tell the horrifying tale

Photo: Facebook/Complaint Singapore
Photo: Facebook/Complaint Singapore

A Punggol mom’s lunch with her daughter took a turn for the raw-some when she discovered a shockingly undercooked patty lurking inside her Quarter Pounder.

As reported by The Straits Times, Ms. Tan, 44, and her nine-year-old daughter had popped into McDonald’s on Dec. 4, eager for a classic burger fix. They ordered a takeaway Quarter Pounder with Cheese Meal and a Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal, dreaming of juicy patties and crispy nuggets. Little did they know, their meal was about to get a whole lot less delicious.

Upon returning home and taking a bite into her burger, Ms. Tan was met with a cold, mushy mess that raised major red flags. Peeking inside, her heart sank as she saw a horrifying sight: a beef patty that was 80 percent uncooked, staring back at her like a pink, meaty monster.

Needless to say, Ms. Tan was not lovin’ it. She immediately packed up the offending burger and marched it back to the McDonald’s, eager to get some answers. The manager, undoubtedly feeling the heat, offered a full refund and even another burger. But Ms. Tan, having just experienced a nasty burger encounter, politely declined the replacement meal.

“The manager took down my (telephone) number,” said Ms Tan, recounting that McDonald’s was at least willing to assume responsibility. “I was told to visit the doctor if I faced discomfort and was promised that my medical bills would be paid for if I had food poisoning.” 

Thankfully, Ms. Tan escaped unscathed. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call for the fast-food giant to ensure their patties are cooked to a safe temperature, lest they want to risk serving up more than just burgers.


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