Superstitious people do the dardnest things.
Crossing fingers. Knocking wood. Not having sex on one’s birthday. Placing shreds of pomelo rind on their heads.
Local Facebook group SG Kay Poh yesterday posted an image of a local woman who was spotted buying a lottery ticket at what appears to be a Singapore Pools outlet, wearing a DIY pomelo hat on her head.
Yeah, we know.

Apparently the “y” is this: The woman was hoping it would give her an assist from the heavens, since according to an ancient Chinese belief, the moon goddess Chang’e will grant someone’s wish if that person places the skin of a pomelo fruit on his or her head.
The photo has been circulating online today, with social media users sharing a hearty, harmless lol over the oddball move.

One Facebook user also correctly pointed out that we are not the first mammals to try such fruit-based fashuns.