A man so edgy that he could cut himself if he fell down is now eating his words after he made the very unwise decision of exploiting the death of actor and national serviceman Aloysius Pang for his own means.
To really drive in the fact that he’s a proper prick, he flipped the bird at everyone else, challenging them to make him go viral on social media for the objectively dickish act of trying to sell insurance plans on the back of Pang’s tragic demise.
Pang — a 28-year-old actor who’s a regular figure in local Mandarin TV shows — died on Wednesday night after sustaining injuries during an annual military exercise in New Zealand. The artillery technician suffered serious injuries to multiple organs when he was crushed between a howitzer gun barrel and the interior of the vehicle’s cabin.
Any decent person would keep quiet if one didn’t have tributes or testimonies to Pang’s character, but not Sean. The man took to his Instagram account to use Pang’s death as a “reminder to everyone that accidents do happen” and as such, get insured with him so you won’t die with regret. He even had the gall to tag Pang’s official Instagram account, which is now handled by his family.

Naturally, folks were horrified — horrified enough to take a screenshot of his Instagram Story and spread it on social media. Undeterred and pumped with subversive rage, Sean followed up with a defiant message to all, doubling down that insurance is important. Also, he challenged people to make him trend on social media.
“Yes. I use death to sell insurance and I’m proud of it. Society can judge but in my point of view, I’m just a person who will do whatever it takes,” he wrote, reeking of that edgelord energy.

Indeed, Sean does prove to be a heartless hustler who’d be willing to capitalise on unfortunate events to sell insurance.

The dude got exactly what he wanted. His name was smeared across the social media and his personal profiles and identities were outed for everyone to take note of. The harassment was bad enough for him to take down his Instagram page.
This morning, he took the opportunity to apologize but refused to see what he did wrong. Oddly enough, he claimed that he is not an insurance agent and is not working for an insurance company. Also, he’s actually a nice guy, he promises.

About an hour later, he issued another apologetic post, finally admitting that he had been insensitive.

As of writing, Sean continues to get pummelled by total strangers on his Facebook page. He got what he wished for.