‘Do not break the law’ or scare my followers: Iris Koh tells Singapore police

Iris Koh and husband Raymond Ng, aka Singapore’s anti-vax sweethearts, in a video posted last night. Image: Iris Koh/Telegram
Iris Koh and husband Raymond Ng, aka Singapore’s anti-vax sweethearts, in a video posted last night. Image: Iris Koh/Telegram

Singapore’s favorite anti-vax fraud suspect has struck again, this time turning the tables and telling the police to behave and stop doing illegal stuff.

Iris Koh, who was freed Friday and ordered not to contact certain members of her anti-vax Telegram group, wasted little time in blasting all of them with video messages last night in which she accused the police of snooping on the electronic devices of her assistants and asking them questions.

“I think this bullying has to stop. Okay? Police obey the law. Stop prowling through our devices of the computers and the phones immediately, alright?” she said in the one-minute video. “And we will be taking action. You cannot do this to us. Those are privileged communication. Stop now.”

Koh was charged Jan. 23 with teaming up with Jipson Quah, who works at Wan Medical Clinic in Bedok North, to submit falsified vaccination records to the Ministry of Health showing that people had taken the Sinopharm vaccine who had not.

She was finally freed on a S$20,000 bond after being denied bail due to her uncooperativeness but slapped with an additional charge of refusing to sign and tearing up a police statement while in custody. She was also specifically ordered not to contact any of her followers who might be involved or called on as witnesses.

Any thought she would err on the side of prudence was swept away last night with Koh’s flurry of messages to her Telegram group cabal. She said she needed four people to make sure unspecified devices in the evidence room at the Police Cantonment Complex on New Bridge Road were sealed properly.

Koh said the police were “frightening” her volunteers by telling them they were engaging in illegal activities. “We are the victims,” she insisted, because the government barred the unvaccinated from entering buildings despite having negative COVID tests.

“Come on. If the [Pre-Event Testing] test is illegal, we are just victims, we are clients of the clinic. They told us that it can be done, and so that’s why we did it. Okay, so in what way is it illegal?” she said.

She then posted another video about an hour later outside the complex accusing a police inspector of “inducing” her assistant to make false statements. She vowed to file a police complaint on this “highly improper and potentially illegal” conduct, she added.

“I just want to say police officers do your job properly. Do not break the law. […] Don’t play with us. Do your job properly. Don’t try to induce any statements from any of my team members or any of my volunteers. Don’t frighten them. Don’t scare them,” she said.

Koh is also under investigation for interfering with official duties by attempting to disrupt operations at pediatric vaccination centers and flooding public hotlines. She is set to return to court on March 14.

If found guilty of voluntarily obstructing a public servant in the discharge of their duties, Koh could be jailed up to three months and fined S$2,500. If found guilty of criminal conspiracy to make false representations, Koh faces up to 20 years behind bars.

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