Coldplay tickets completely sold out, petition launched for 2nd show, fans 1-star bomb organisers’ FB page

Singapore really, really likes Coldplay, it seems. How else can you explain that all the tickets (40,000 altogether) to their upcoming concert are totally sold out?

Three waves of ticket sales came and went, and each one of ’em saw unprecedented response as tickets got snapped up within an hour of launch on the Sportshub portal. The first wave of ticket sales for Citibank members went out at the speed of sound (hur hur) on Nov 17; the second wave meant for Live Nation Lushington subscribers was snapped up just as fast; and the final one meant for the public was sold out swiftly too. This means Coldplay managed to sell out the entire capacity of the National Stadium, despite their last three albums being crap (in our humble opinion).

Oh Coldplay, what happened to you.

Just like the date of their 2017 concert (Apr 1), the whole thing’s turning out to be a joke. It’d be fine if it was real fans who just really wanted to see them play ‘Yellow’ live, but it seems that the majority of people who’ve been buying out the tickets are apparently just scalpers looking to profit big.

Really, all you need to see now is the page for Coldplay tickets on reselling site Viagogo, where tickets are going for as high as $3,510.

It’s surprising to know that there’s still a huge market for resold tickets, especially considering that concert organisers have vowed to crack down on scalpers and voided a number of tickets found flipped online. To reassure fans who’ve missed out, Live Nation Lushington are working on opening up more slots for tickets in the coming days.

Alas, the damage has been done — Coldplay fans are supremely unhappy at the way they ran the ticket sales and allowed scalpers to scalp freely. As unhappy online mobs are wont to do, they 1-star bombed the organisers’ Facebook page.

Such dedication to catching the English pop-rock quartet live (to be fair, it’s heavily hinted that it’s their last concert) — a fan even launched a petition for Coldplay to perform a second show here.

Shikin Idris, who started the petition on, had over 500 supporters on her side as of writing, with many more signatures coming in. But as determined as some fans may be to see them, on a logistical perspective it might be nearly impossible for Coldplay to do a second night in Singapore — especially since the schedule for their Asian tour seems pretty airtight. But then again, it could all work out, and it’ll be A Head Full Of Dreams for those here who legit want to catch the band at their final outing.


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