Burnout plagues over half of Singapore: survey

Image: Trevor Butcher / CC by 2.0
Image: Trevor Butcher / CC by 2.0

Feeling the burn, Singapore? An overwhelming majority of working Singaporeans are, according to one firm’s poll.

Of 1,005 Singapore employees surveyed by HR company Employment Hero, 62% reported experiencing burnout in the past three months.

“When it comes to mental health, burnout is spreading like wildfire across the working population,” the report wrote.

Its nine-minute survey quizzed 1,005 full- and part-time employees for a week in March.

The cited causes of their major burnout were deterioration in mental health and the lingering impacts of the pandemic.

Close to half (43%) said that the pandemic had adversely affected their careers with 65% saying they were heavily impacted by stress. The majority (68%) were particularly stressed out about their finances.

Career is no longer a priority due to the pandemic, 49% of respondents said, despite liking their work.

It also stated the obvious: employees with poor productivity are 282% more likely to have a poor work-life balance and be stuck in a “vicious cycle” of burnout and mental stress.

Fortunately, 47% said their employers offer mental health care support, though most (61%) of those working remotely felt it was harder to have mental health conversations virtually.

There were also 53% still uncomfortable talking about their state at work and 49% were afraid that complaining might affect their careers.

In response to how organizations can improve wellness, participants suggested regular mindfulness and bonding sessions to build morale, and being more flexible.

“Be more considerate with work arrangements in regards to Covid and parents with kids,” one wrote.

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