Singapore can meet its newly named baby panda starting today after he spent months being spoiled by his busy mama behind closed doors.

Meet 4-and-a-half-month-old Le Le. As of today, can be gawked at in a glass-walled astroturf enclosure his caretakers call a “green carpet” at the Giant Panda Forest in River Wonders. Only twice daily, the public can witness the panda’s day as he plays with toys, learns to walk and snoozes.
Le Le’s showcase is part of a journey to becoming independent and weaned from mother Jia Jia, said Mandai Wildlife Group. He now weighs 9 kilograms and is just starting to nibble on his own bamboo shoots and leaves.
“The nursery was constructed to provide a safe and fun space for Le Le to meet his guests for a part of his day before he returns to Jia Jia’s side. The baby boy still relies heavily on mom’s milk and tender loving care,” Mandai Animal Care Officer Trisha Tay Ting Ni wrote in a news release.
She added that public curiosity is secondary to panda wellness.
“Both Le Le and Jia Jia are getting used to spending more time away from each other, so we adapt their daily routines based on close observation to ensure their wellbeing remains the top priority and that they do not display any stressful behaviours,” she said.
The name, pronounced “Luh Luh,” was jointly unveiled yesterday at a meeting with Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat and vice premier of the People’s Republic of China Han Zheng. Among five shortlisted names, Le Le gained the most votes from the public: 31,000 of the 64,000 cast.
The Chinese character “Le (叻)” comes from “Shi Le Po (石叻坡),” which was the Chinese name for Singapore.
Timeslots for the public to view are around 10:30am and 3:30pm daily for 20 to 30 minutes, when they will be able to see feeding and exercise sessions. But the times may be adjusted based on the pandas’ comfort levels.
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