MDA assistant director facing corruption and forgery charges

Assistant director at the Media Development Authority (MDA) Lai Wai Khuen was charged on Jan. 17 with multiple counts of corruption and forgery.

The 37-year-old had also, on 27 occasions, borrowed a total of $23,565 from 12 people.

Lai also faces another count of an unsuccessful attempt to borrow $3,000.

According to investigations by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), Lai made use of his responsibility to facilitate the approval and disbursement of grants by obtaining loans from applicants.

Additionally, he also forged director Thomas Lim’s signature on documents.

Lai has stated that he will plead guilty to the charges and has requested for his case to be held till after the Chinese New Year as he has matters to attend to.

He is on a $30,000 bail and will be back in court for a bail review on Jan. 21. His case will be delayed till Feb. 17.

Source: Channel NewsAsia

Photo: AFP


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