Amos Yee’s advocation of pedophilia gets him kicked out of his lodgings in Chicago

Photo: Amos Yee / Facebook
Photo: Amos Yee / Facebook

Amos Yee’s stubborn insistence that pedophilia is perfectly A-OK (it’s not) has landed him in even bigger difficulties than the cancellation of his scheduled talk at Harvard University.

Since the 18-year-old political refugee starting kicking his pro-pedophilia views into high gear on his YouTube channel, he has been evicted from his abode in Chicago, and is desperately looking for another individual to host him for free (or for a paltry US$400 a month).

Looks like the Singaporean vlogger will need all the luck in the world to actually get someone to rent a place to him for cheap — on top of renting to someone who’s fighting for the rights of people who’re sexually attracted to prepubescent children.

Surprisingly, Yee claims that he was not kicked out for voicing a (highly) controversial opinion — he stated that he was only kicked out because the host was worried that Child Protection Services wouldn’t accept someone who’s for pedophilia hanging around with foster kids. How shocking.

Speaking like he even had a choice, Yee wrote down an extensive list of requirements for homeowners considering hosting him.

We won’t be embedding videos of him supporting pedophiles, because you can find them pretty easily on his YouTube channel and because we obviously disagree with his opinions. Dude truly believes that the age of consent should be abolished, and he remains genuinely perplexed on why believers of free speech aren’t taking his side.

There is a difference, after all, between constructive criticism about Singapore’s governance and advocating pedophilia.


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