Veteran thespian and ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ standout Tan Kheng Hua signs on with Hollywood talent agencies

Photo: Tan Kheng Hua / Facebook
Photo: Tan Kheng Hua / Facebook

Look out Chin Han, here comes another Singaporean seeking to take on Hollywood for real. Tan Kheng Hua, the veteran local thespian who got onto every talent agent’s radar by playing the strong, supportive mom of Crazy Rich Asians’ central character, has signed on with two Hollywood agencies.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the 55-year-old has been taken under the wing of Beverly Hills-based GVA Talent Agency and Los Angeles-based Zero Gravity Management. Effectively, the Singaporean actress has signed on to agencies that have been involved in renowned productions such as Glee, Entourage, The Big Bang Theory, Ozark and more.

THR also pointed out that prior to her performance in “Hollywood’s most successful romantic comedy of the decade”, Tan had a big role in Netflix’s Marco Polo (which not a lot of people watched). Really though, international audiences should sit through all eight seasons of Singapore’s most beloved sitcom Phua Chu Kang Pte Ltd to see her shine as everyone’s favorite obsessive-compulsive vegetarian Margaret Phua.


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