This Singaporean is streaming his entire hotel quarantine, right now (Video)

Screengrabs from today’s live stream of Ng doing jump rope exercises and showing his breakfast for the day. Photo: Singaporean In Korea / America / Japan/ YouTube
Screengrabs from today’s live stream of Ng doing jump rope exercises and showing his breakfast for the day. Photo: Singaporean In Korea / America / Japan/ YouTube

Boredom hits differently for those stuck in quarantine, like this Singaporean man who is coping by live-streaming his entire 14-day stay at the luxurious Carlton Hotel.

For the past eight days, travel vlogger Jason Ng has continuously streamed his daily workouts, captive feeding sessions and chitchat via YouTube since arriving from New York. His return marked the first time back home after 17 years living abroad in China, the United States and South Korea. 

“My free ‘Staycation’ in Carlton Hotel for the next 14 days! Great to be back in Singapore. Big bag of mixed feelings as I find myself talking and looking like a foreigner … a foreigner in my own country and indeed treated like a foreigner and placed in a hotel is pretty … unreal. 17 yrs away is a long time,” the 44-year-old wrote of his arrival.

Update: Singaporean streamer sorry for comparing quarantine experience to Nazi concentration camp

The daily streams on his channel, which has close to 20,000 subscribers, show Ng working out three times with a jump rope and resistance bands and chatting with viewers thrice a day on topics like travel and languages he picked up before ending the day trading stocks online. He also shares the meals provided to him and the progress of his keto diet, which he hopes will help him hit 12% body fat before quarantine ends Dec. 7. 

On the day of his arrival, Ng said in a video that the quarantine process from airport to hotel could be improved due to the lack of information from officials. 

“I think the process could have been done a lot better because the process honestly made me feel like I was being ushered in a Nazi concentration camp … we were ushered into a bus and we were told nothing about where we’re going … The staff are not very forthcoming about providing information … They were very simply telling you in a very totalitarian, dictator kind of thing,” he said. 

Ng’s past content mostly consists of videos on his overseas adventures but also tips on his anti-aging skin care routines, spiritual practices and tips on picking up languages including Korean and Turkish.

Other stories you should check out:

Quarantine Eats: S’pore man documents every hotel quarantine meal because why not (Photos)


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