Colossal Argentinosaurus fossil exhibit makes landfall in Plaza Singapura for 2 weeks

Long extinct but never gone from our hearts (we’re patiently twiddling our thumbs for Jurassic World on June 11), the marvel of dinosaurs still holds that majestic appeal over both kids and adults, and starting today folks can witness the awesome proportions of the Argentinosaurus up close at the Plaza Singapura main atrium.

As part of the Science Centre Singapore’s ‘Science In The Mall’ event, the fossil of one of the world’s largest known dinosaurs sets foot at Plaza Singapura shopping centre, where it will be put on display till June 14. The titanosaur is said to be able to reach 14 metres in height and measured 35 metres in length, and is likely to be the heaviest sauropod known at over 64,137 kg.

Families and general dinosaur geeks can look forward to an array of educational activities during the two-week long event, ranging from weekend shows, fossil-casting activities and more that should appease the raging paleontologist inside you. More details on the Science Centre Singapore website.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons


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