Let’s be honest, McDonald’s foray into experimental, seasonal items can be a hit (Spiced Butter Teppanyaki burger, where art thou) or miss (Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Burger was yuck city).
This time round, the chain is going for the rah rah culinary patriot in us all with its nasi lemak burger, a fast food homage to the breakfast dish beloved in Singapore and around the region. The limited edition entrée was recently launched alongside other localized sides, like the chendol McFlurry, the coconut pie and the bandung McFizz.

But $5.95 for a burger that’s made of a fried chicken patty, fried egg, caramelized onions, soggy cucumber slices and a sambal sauce that’s a tad bit too sweet definitely didn’t cut it for us cheap gourmands. No sirree, nothing beats an actual, hearty nasi lemak that costs less than $4.50 — and one that doesn’t smell like someone sprayed some kind of coconut scent all over it. Without further ado, here’s how you can make an actually authentic (but sloppy) nasi lemak sandwich.
PS: Yes, we know our rice patties were a total fail. If you do want to have proper rice patties ala Mos Burger, you’re gonna have to grill ‘em. Mix the nasi lemak rice together with cheese and/or eggs and mold them into a bun shape using a plastic wrap before refrigerating them for at least half an hour. Heat the pan up and fry the bad boys until they’re crisp. You’re welcome.