VP Binay’s reminder to Pinoys: ‘The lies against me will continue’

He seems convinced that there are people who are out to get him.

“Vice President Jejomar Binay on Monday, April 6, said he was bracing for more political intrigues against him, this time with his detractors using government agencies like the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) to vilify him,” reports Christine O. Avendaño in Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Binay stated, “We anticipate that they (detractors) will intensify their efforts using other agencies of government.”

As the report indicated, Binay thinks his detractors will continue to discredit him “in the Senate and through agencies like the Commission on Audit (COA), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Ombudsman, and the AMLC.”

He argued, “Their narrow-minded objective is simply to vilify and embarrass me without even any factual basis to support their claims… This is why I am reminding our people: the lies against me will continue, using the Senate and different agencies of the government. They will continue to try and destroy your strong support for me.”

Photo: Jojo Binay Facebook page


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