VIRAL: Man drives tricycle while carrying baby

Photo: Mar Errol Buhat Diaconte Facebook page.
Photo: Mar Errol Buhat Diaconte Facebook page.

This multi-tasking father has gone viral after photos of him driving a tricycle with his 11-month-old son sitting on his lap were posted on Facebook.

The photos were shared on the social media platform by netizen Mar Errol Buhat Diaconte last month but has become increasingly viral after they were featured on TV yesterday.

“When I was waiting for a 3cycle (tricycle) to bring me home, he [the driver] was the one who came and I was shocked [to see] that while tatay (Literally father but used as a sign of respect) was driving, he also had his child. Huhuhu he also had stocks of diapers and biscuits for his child. Proud of u tatay,” Diaconte wrote on his caption in Filipino.

In the same post, he also tagged his mood as “feeling concerned.”

The post now has close to 10,000 reactions, more than 9,000 shares, and close to 2,000 comments.

In a Facebook message to Coconuts Manila, Diaconte identified the driver as Vicente Botante.

He said that he rode Botante’s tricycle after running errands for his mother, on his way back to his home in Capiz, Roxas City.

He noticed the baby — who the driver was carrying with the help of a baby carrier — right away and was even hesitant to ride the tricycle because of it. “I was surprised but then became proud of tatay because he was taking care of his baby,” Diaconte said in Filipino.

According to him, Botante, the driver, said he brings his child to work because no one else can take care of him.

While the sight of a baby riding a fast-moving tricycle with no barriers may have raised safety issues for some, an overwhelming number of people commenting on Diaconte’s post were in praise of the driver.

“[W]ow and tatay‘s baby is cute too. Godbless tatay, I hope there are more people like you. Take care, your baby is so healthy,” Facebook user Boo dela Torre wrote in Filipino.

“I salute fathers like this,” Aga Kris J. Cimafranca said. “God bless you, sir.”

“Now that’s a true father,” Shai D. Mamil said. However, she also noted how this situation is not the best for the baby.

“Poor baby. He was exposed to the smell of the smoke from the motor/vehicle,” she added.

Ynnej Nyut said: “It makes me cry but I can feel his hardships. [G]odbless tatay [I hope] the Lord always guides you ….. this makes me proud.”

Diaconte was shocked to see how many people his posts reached. “I was surprised, of course, because I did not expect my post to go viral. It’s also a bit awkward because a lot of people are messaging me.”

How do you feel about this viral post? Let us know in the comments section below or tweet us @CoconutsManila.


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