PNoy: Abu Sayyaf planned to kidnap Pacman or Kris

So should we move Manny and Kris to a safehouse, hidden from public view, until the Abu Sayyaf Group is dismantled? We are only concerned with their safety, of course.

In a statement explaining the activities of the terrorist group, President Noynoy Aquino revealed that as part of its effort to gain favor with ISIS, the Abu Sayyaf has been aspiring to bomb Metro Manila, convert prisoners in the New Bilibid Prison to their cause, kidnap Manny Pacquiao or one of his children, or Kris Aquino or one of her children. There have also been threats against his own life, he said.

None of those things has happened so far, thank God, though an innocent Canadian national by the name of John Ridsdel was beheaded last Monday because the Abu Sayyaf Group would not accept a lower ransom payment.

Following this sad development, Aquino has vowed to devote all his “energies towards ensuring that, at the very least, this will be a very seriously degraded problem that I will pass on to my successor.”

While the government has always believed in “positive engagement over arms,” he said, it now has no choice but to be fierce. “You have chosen only the language of force, and we will speak to you only in that language.”

Abu Sayyaf be shaking in its boots.


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