In this week’s things we loved from the internet, here’s one that just touched our hearts and made us want to call our grandparents immediately — people are loving this TikTok video of a Filipino lolo requesting a taco from Taco Bell.
TikTok user Anna Yulo (@annadwicked) posted a video of her asking her grandfather if he wanted anything from Taco Bell, and the entire exchange just has us melting.
“Are you gonna buy?” He asks in earnest, before evidently forgetting the name of his order and proceeds to act out the cutest gesture, clearly pantomiming tacos.
People evidently got a kick out of the exchange, before insisting that lolo receives his tacos as requested.

Meanwhile, one particularly felt that lolo asked an essential question.

For those who have become invested in this wholesome exchange, Anna ensures that lolo got his tacos — and finally remembered the name of his order — in a new video.
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