Horror: Jealous wife cuts off husband’s penis with a pair of scissors

Doctors failed to reattach his male organ. PHOTO: Morguefile.com
Doctors failed to reattach his male organ. PHOTO: Morguefile.com

In a vengeful fury, a scorned wife from Iloilo on April 22 cut off her husband’s penis because she was tired of his alleged womanizing.

The woman and her husband were about to sleep when she took out a pair of scissors and snipped off her husband’s male organ at around 10:30 pm, the Philippine Daily Inquirer reports.

The man was drunk when his wife performed her act of revenge. He came out of their room running after the incident.

“I don’t regret cutting off his penis. It’s his punishment for being a womanizer. I am ready to face the consequences of my action,” the jealous wife said.

Her husband who works in construction allegedly has an affair with the wife of his co-worker.

“I am tired of his womanizing. He got a new girlfriend lately,” she said.

The man was rushed to a hospital but the doctors failed to reattach his manhood.

He is bent on filing case against his wife, who is now detained at the police station in Carles town.


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