Doctor kidnapped from his own clinic in Jolo, Sulu

Jolo, Sulu. Photo: Google maps
Jolo, Sulu. Photo: Google maps

A doctor was kidnapped from his own clinic by four armed men wearing what appeared to be military and police uniforms last night in Jolo, Sulu.

Dr. Daniel Moreno, a native of the town, was abducted from his clinic at about 7pm in the village of Walled City, The Philippine Daily Inquirer reports. The kidnappers took off with Moreno in a red Tamaraw FX.

Witnesses said that the vehicle first drove towards the Santa Nina Rasul Complex before heading to the nearby town of Indanan, GMA News reports. The authorities are now searching for Moreno and his abductors.

Jolo is the home of the bandit group Abu Sayyaf, which claims to fight for an independent Muslim state. Some observers, however, say its objectives are more criminal in nature due to its involvement in kidnapping, assassinations, and rape.


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