Beware of fake BPI online banking URL

Screengrab of real BPI online banking URL
Screengrab of real BPI online banking URL

Before you log-in to your online banking account, check your URLs first.

According to an announcement from the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) released earlier today, a fake site copied the layout of the BPI Express Online log-in page using a URL people can easily think is legit.

Beware of the URL:

To be clear, the correct address is:

The fake site has since been taken down, BPI said.

BPI executive vice president and head of enterprise services Ramon Jocson was quoted in ABS-CBN News warning customers to double check before they input their personal banking information online.

“Everyone involved in the security of an account or personal information should be perceptively wary and vigilant. A lapse in caution compromises all involved,” Jocson said.

BPI had these tips to share with customers to help them protect their personal data:

Check email address, domain names

“Hover your mouse pointer over the link and copy the URL. The hyperlinked URL will be shown in the status bar at the bottom of your email. If it does not match the URL you intend to visit, it is most likely a fake website,” the BPI advisory said.

Check site security

“A secure website begins with https: and has a lock icon in the page, which means that it uses an SSL protocol,” BPI said.

Be wary of embedded forms

Forms that ask for passwords of personal email accounts are usually fake. BPI also said the bank never asks for personal information using embedded email links.

The lender also advised clients on keeping their accounts safe, including changing PINs regularly, using anti-virus software, clearing cached memory after logging out of banking sites, and avoiding shared computers when transacting online.

According to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Philippine Central Bank), BPI is the third largest bank in the country.

The bank made headlines last year when a data processing error resulted in mispostings in clients’ accounts. These mispostings, however, were reversed within a few days.

Check this Facebook note from BPI for more tips on keeping your data safe.

with a report from ABS-CBN News


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