Animals need rescuing too: How you can save your pets during sudden flooding

Images: Philippine Animal Welfare Society / Aklan Animal and Rehabilitation Center
Images: Philippine Animal Welfare Society / Aklan Animal and Rehabilitation Center

In the wake of the massive destruction of Tropical Storm Paeng, which officials say have killed at least 98 people and displaced over 1 million, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) has reminded the public to keep other voiceless victims in mind: the animals.

The group posted tips over the weekend on evacuating furry friends during the onslaught of sudden disasters such as massive flooding.

Over the weekend, PAWS wrote, “NO PETS LEFT BEHIND. Even before disasters or emergencies strike, it is always a good idea to have an evacuation plan for all the members of your family – pets included!”

The animal welfare group advised people with small animals, such as cats and small dogs to invest in a lightweight crate. That said, certain household items such as laundry baskets can come in handy, too.

“We’ve seen how the most common household items like the humble palanggana (plastic basin) and the family’s plastic laundry hamper have come in handy in serving as emergency pet carriers,” it wrote.

The page also posted photos of evacuation attempts where animals were placed in basins or styrofoam boxes.

In September, during the onslaught of typhoon Karding (international name Noru), the group also reminded folks that in dire situations where bringing your animals is impossible, unleashing them and keeping them out of their cages gives them their best possible chances of survival.

“Ideally, never leave any of your (furry or non-furry) family members behind. But should you ever find yourself in a situation where you are unable to do so for whatever compelling reasons, please give the animals a fighting chance and set them free,” PAWS said.


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