Adjust your schedules to Skyway 3 construction, says MMDA chair

We’re not so sure if everyone will like reading this.

“Last week, Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) chairman Francis Tolentino called on motorists and commuters to plan their work and travel schedules amid the construction of Skyway Stage 3,” reports Rio N. Araja in the Manila Standard Today.

“This is a construction of massive proportion that would last 32 months (which) is expected to create traffic problems so everyone should make adjustments,” he said.

He pointed out “the need to modify lifestyles as well while work on the ‘double deck’ highway stretches to 2016.”

Care to know what he said?

He declared, “If you’re a Pasay resident, don’t go to Quezon City just to watch movies.” He also added that “private companies can have ‘flexitime’ working hours, especially those located along the route of the construction.”

In any case, the report announced that “Tolentino will lead a traffic summit in February to prepare a traffic management plan for two years and eight months that would take to complete Skyway Stage 3.”

That’s right. It will take two years and eight months to complete Skyway 3. Two years and eight months.

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