Up-and-coming indie folk singer Syd Hartha Chua has become the talk of social media after accusing her father, Marcus Adoro, of physical assault in Facebook and Instagram posts that went live last night.
Adoro, for those who don’t know, is the former lead guitarist of one of the most famous Filipino rock bands of all time, the Eraserheads. He’s currently the lead singer-guitarist of the band Markushighway.
Read: Ely Buendia warns about fake Eraserheads Reunion Concert
Chua wrote about her complex relationship with her father, whom she simply called “Makoy.”
“In the 15 years of my life, he wasn’t there to be a father to me,” she wrote in Filipino. “I had so many questions about him, and I wanted nothing else but to get to know him, because he’s family, and of course, to know what it feels like to be with the man they say is my real father.”
What she says she learned during a year living with her father, however, was that he had a violent streak.
“I will never forget the different kinds of abuse that I suffered from him,” she wrote. “Now I know why my mother and other members of the family wanted me to stay away. This is the reason why.
“He’s hurt me so many times physically, not just once. Hitting my head against the wall, even in front of my friends, or when my mother’s back was turned… I should’ve done better, but I know I tried to help myself as much as I could.”

Towards the end of her post, she adds: “The monster could be anywhere doing who else knows what, let’s watch out for each other.”
The post also included screenshots of a conversation between a man (presumably Adoro) who scolded another person (possibly Chua) for being loose with her sexuality.

The person asked, “Are you still picky about who touches your p*ssy?”
The woman wrote back, “Yes.”
“No! That’s just what you think! You’re embarrassing,” the other person replied.
“So are you saying that if I were raped, it was my fault?” the woman answered.
To which the man replied, “You will be raped but you not do anything about it [sic]. It’s embarrassing.”
“Stupid! I hope you realize how stupid what you said is,” the woman shot back.
A week before Chua’s post went online, Barbara Ruaro, Adoro’s former partner, posted a Facebook photo showing her cut eye and bruised face. Ruaro. however, did not disclose who attacked her.
The Sept. 6 post reads: “This happened to me yesterday, on top of other cuts and bruises, caused by someone I loved and cared for deeply.”
“Domestic violence is not limited in terms of bruises. Psychological, verbal, and sexual abuse are also considered. I experienced all sorts of abuse under the hand of a narcissistic man. The vicious cycle he has created for himself and others should be put to a stop,” she added.
More than 24 hours after his daughter’s accusations went public, Adoro has yet to publicly comment.
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