Kat Alano says ‘well-loved’ public figure raped her

The radio and TV host admitted in the April 24 episode of Good Times with Mo the Podcast that she was raped nine years ago.

After around 50 minutes of answering callers’ questions about relationships and sex, Mo started talking about her Juan.com.ph article (which was about rape), and if she was indeed raped.

“Yeah,” she answered. “I wanted this to go away. I wanted to sweep this under the rug. I wanted to bury it. I wanted it to die. I wanted to forget. I never wanted to think about it again.”

She clarified that she doesn’t know Deniece Cornejo and Cedric Lee and that she doesn’t have anything to do with the Vhong Navarro mauling incident. However, the whole incident “triggered things inside of me and I knew I had to speak up.”

Mo Twister admitted that he’s known about Kat’s rape experience for some years now but has kept quiet about it.

Kat did not share who the rapist is but hinted that he’s a celebrity.

Mo commented that if she decides to name the celeb rapist, his “fan base and network machinery” will definitely get involved.

So how did it happen?

Kat narrated that she met him “at work a couple of times” and that she saw him one time in a club where she was drinking with some friends. He bought her a drink, and when she already wanted to go home because she was already starting to feel tired, he insisted on driving her home. She declined, but was eventually convinced when he explained that he’d let his driver follow and then leave as soon as they get to her place.

Kat also shared that felt weird that night, Mo suggesting that she might have been drugged.

The guy got to Kat’s room even if she kept on saying no. She eventually blacked out, regaining consciousness from time to time, seeing the guy pulling her pants down to her ankles, him on top of her, him kissing her, and him pacifying her when she was freaking out.

Despite this revelation, Kat shared that she isn’t ready to take this case to the court because she “can’t afford the legal aspect of it.” However, she said that she will face that part eventually. “It’s taken me nine years to even get to this point. It is not easy. And when I am ready, I will face that part. I know I have to. I will because what am I supposed to do, let my rapist go free?”

Check out the whole podcast. If you want the juicy bits, fast forward to 56:00.


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