Monique Wilson is gay and has cancer

Theater actress Monique Wilson has finally confirmed it: she’s lesbian. This she did at the press conference of “One Billion Rising,” her crusade to end all violence against women, scheduled on Valentine’s Day next year.

In an interview with Dolly Anne Carvajal, Monique shared that she’s always been comfortable with her sexuality, and that it’s not a big deal in theater. “I’ve always had supportive family and friends,” she said. “For many, many years, I mean I didn’t consciously blurt it out in press conferences. I wasn’t afraid or ashamed. I was just thinking that I really wanted to promote my show. If you look back at New Voice Company, I have produced so many shows on homosexuality because it was something very close to my heart. I just didn’t feel the need to shout it out because it might distract from my work.”

She added, “I’ve always respected the media here because they’ve always respected me, too. Nobody pried or pushed. Some may have asked and I never denied it. My sexuality never stopped me from doing what I wanted to do, so in that way I am very blessed. I’m thankful people gave me that space to do my work and succeed.”

Monique revealed that Lea Salonga knew about it ever since their “Miss Saigon” days and that the Salongas weren’t just accepting, they were very protective as well.

Monique, who has been with her partner for 14 years, also had another revelation: “Two years ago, I was diagnosed with blood cancer but I’m okay now. That time I felt time was too short, so what was I waiting for. In my advocacy, I keep saying, ‘Break the silence’ ’cause silence is what prevents violence. So here I am, proudly declaring I’m gay. I’ll be speaking at Gay Pride [an annual event of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, community to be held in Makati City] on December 8. I want to give inspiration and strength to the LGBT community and our young gay people not to be afraid to embrace their life.


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