Interview: Bob Ong, author and man of mystery

Out in cinemas on Feb 19 is the Jericho Rosales starrer ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie, based on the book of Bob Ong. We all know who Jericho is, but who  and where  in the world is Bob Ong? Coconuts Manila hunts down the author who is known for his Pinoy-flavored words of wisdom and finds out interesting facts about him via an e-mail interview.

What’s the one thing you wished people didn’t ask you during interviews? 
“Why U not show face?” Understandable, but I’ve answered it so many times it begins to feel like I’m filling out a booklet of Puregold raffle tickets.

Has there been a fan that came thisclose to finding out who you are?
People already know who I am thru my books, sometimes more than they know their friends or family without them realizing it. If you meant my passport identity, lots of readers had. I know some actually have already unmasked me in silence, sometimes unintentionally, but they didn’t make a circus out of it just because they’re that kind of people. That says a lot about their character and by that they earn my respect.

Of all your books, what was the hardest to write?
First, they’re all hard to write. Easy reading is a product of hardwork writing. All of my books involved lots of research, some were emotionally draining to write, and one required a disturbing closer look into dark arts. The hardest? Has to be Kapitan Sino. It involved setting up a microcosmic Philippines in a different time with a character that is not one of us. And though not many may have realized, its theme is spiritual as much as it is sociopolitical.

Did you have a say on the cast of the movie based on your book?
No. Though I guess Viva would consider if I expressed disapproval on the cast, which I didn’t. I couldn’t see the book as a movie so I allowed them full creative control to put the film together as they’ve envisioned it.

Ever admitted to being Bob Ong to get a girl?
No. It was after I already got the girl that I admitted to her that I was the author she was reading.

Is there one thing that people will be surprised to find out about you?
There’s very little left about myself that I haven’t told yet. I don’t even know what else is interesting to tell. Random fact: I was fined for jaywalking in Ortigas on my first job.

What do you think of the popularity of feel-good quotes in Twitter users that are Filipino?
If it’s pretending to be my words and is making money out of fooling people, it’s not a feel-good quote, just an earn-good tweet. Feel-good is overrated. Think-good and do-good do a better job. My Twitter is @sibobpo.

Photo: Jericho Rosales stars in the movie ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie, based on Bob Ong’s book.


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