Who’s that Karen? KL anti-masker sought as white residents apologize for her behavior

An unidentified woman argues with staff in front of Dior KLCC, at left. At right, TV presenter Mark O’Dea apologizes to his fans on social media. Photos: DFEfiercefun and Mark O’Dea, Twitter
An unidentified woman argues with staff in front of Dior KLCC, at left. At right, TV presenter Mark O’Dea apologizes to his fans on social media. Photos: DFEfiercefun and Mark O’Dea, Twitter

Health officials said they will look for an unidentified and unmasked white woman who was seen making a scene at the Suria KLCC mall.

“[The Ministry of Health] is getting more information from KLCC,” minister Khairy Jamaluddin tweeted yesterday while reminding those living in Malaysia to “mask up” regardless of what the rules may be elsewhere.

The woman was spotted Wednesday arguing with retail staff, who stopped her from entering a Dior outlet because she wasn’t wearing her mask. She also claimed that she had been pushed or shoved, or something.

Meanwhile, white residents of Malaysia in cringe mode felt the need to apologize for the woman’s appalling behavior, making it clear she is an outlier. Among those expressing contrition for something they didn’t do were TV presenters Mark O’Dea and Daniel James Tyler.

“On behalf of the mat salleh, ang mo, and orang putih community, I would like to say sorry, maaf, for this Karen. We are not all like Karen, OK? We do wear our masks, okay?” O’dea said in a video today. 

On Instagram, Tyler called her out for not following the mask mandate in Malaysia.

“You can’t do that, you have to follow the rules in the country you moved to. This is an example of a person who did not integrate into society,” he said on Instagram.

Other stories:

Karen Unmasked: White woman barred from KL Dior insists she was the victim (Video)


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