Volunteer accused of grooming young girls tells daily he’s ‘misunderstood’

Yesterday’s viral post from William Cheah, the founder of Kembara Kitchen, warning netizens of a volunteer who was allegedly abusing his role within charity circles to befriend and harass young girls has elicited a response from the man at the center of the accusations.

Speaking to The Star, the 36-year-old suspect told reporters that he does not understand the harm in sending such messages, calling them “caring messages” that have been misunderstood.

Here is an example of one of them that was shared yesterday:

“I am actually very straightforward and friendly. I think my actions have been misunderstood,” he told the daily.

It’s difficult to digest what other messages a grown man could be sending a child who has barely started puberty, in the wee hours of the morning, but we’re curious to see what he means.

Maintaining that there was nothing harmful or untoward about his messages, he admitted to communicating with young girls over the last decade. Instead, he has said that the comments made against him are inappropriate, and that he was only “looking for companionship.”

Right. So a grown man looking for the “companionship” of a kid.

However, he says he is looking for the kind of companionship between a “brother and sister”, and he was offering to help the girls and give them protection.

He did not elaborate on who the girls needed protection from, but several victims who came forward on the extensive thread spoke of continued harassment and uninvited advances from the 30-something government agency worker.

“Age is just a number,” he told the paper. *Shudder.

Police are urging victims to come forward on the matter, and to file reports against the accused.


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