Ur baby looks haggard: Malaysian celeb, Neelofa, promotes anti-wrinkle supplement to infants

Obviously thinking about all those babies she’s gonna save from premature wrinkles
Obviously thinking about all those babies she’s gonna save from premature wrinkles

One of Malaysia’s most famous faces, an international brand ambassador for Lancome, actress, model, host, entrepreneur, a woman that Forbes magazine deemed one of the “30 under 30 in Asia” making waves; an Influencer with a capital “I” – none other than Ms Noor Neelofa Binti Mohd Noor, aka Neelofa, aka “Lofa”, she of over 5.4 MILLION (yes, million) Instagram followers, is now caught in the middle of a rather unsavory social media backlash.

Over the weekend she made the inadvisable decision to shill a questionable product, as some influencers are want to do when certain brand$ ¢all upon their mighty reach.


Just how far will the public go before they say: “Enough is enough: I know your sponsored tea will only really give insatiable diarrhea at best”?

Turns out that line is when you start trying to promote a wrinkle-fighting product to Infants, with a capital “I,” children, and teens, as Lofa did over the weekend when she told the kids just how to they can jump on the Chew n Glow wagon.

The original post appeared on Neelofa’s Insta stories, and is no longer visible. Here is a screencap:

Fans and medical officials were aghast at just how far the entrepreneur would go to promote a product whose alleged anti-aging properties were so inclusive, that even the recently-born would benefit from a few pills.

Doctor Rafidah Abdullah, a kidney specialist, tweeted: “I hope you avoid promoting products especially for kids and babies. It may cause unnecessary harm to their internal organs. I am sure you were not advised properly by the company.”

The general public did not hold back either, and voiced their concerns at Neelofa’s judgement.

If you’re wondering just what kind of product a baby needs, other than uh… breast milk or formula, then let us introduce you to Chew n Glow. No worries since your baby doesn’t have teeth — Neelofa suggests crushing that pill up and mixing it into your milk on the DL.

And if you’re wondering just what’s inside these pills purported to bring babies straight back to that fresh-outta-the-womb glow, read on:

Here’s what most sane people think about pumping a baby full of “supplements:”

Among those that voiced their concern was one of Coconuts KL’s favorite bad-girl, it-girl, real-girl Alicia Amin, who joined in the social media outcry, writing that she looks up to Neelofa for her business acumen, but this was just whack. She aptly added: “Just because you can sell something, doesn’t mean you should.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.








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