Tiger attacks spark emergency trapping efforts in Malaysia

In response to a recent spate of fatal tiger attacks, Malaysian authorities have begun trapping and relocating the critically endangered animals in the Gua Musang district of Kelantan. 

The unprecedented move comes after three people were killed by tigers in the past two months, raising concerns about the safety of local communities and highlighting the increasingly tense relationship between humans and wildlife in Malaysia.

Eleven cage traps and 20 cameras have been installed in recent weeks across the forested area where the attacks occurred. The traps, designed to blend seamlessly into the environment with palm leaf camouflage, are baited with live goats to lure unsuspecting tigers.

Mohamad Hafid Rohani, director of the Wildlife and National Parks department in Kelantan, confirmed the escalating situation to AFP, stating, “This is the worst tiger-related deaths in decades in Malaysia.”

The Malayan tiger, a critically endangered species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is estimated to have a remaining population of less than 150 in the wild. WWF-Malaysia further estimates that Kelantan alone is home to approximately 35 tigers.

While human-tiger conflict remains relatively uncommon, the recent attacks serve as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with encroaching upon wildlife habitats.

Last month, a female tiger was captured and transferred to the National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Perak. However, officials remain uncertain whether this large cat was responsible for any of the human attacks.


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