Teacher slaps 7-year-old student in Malaysian school, causes cheek to swell

Photo credit: @ndfna on X
Photo credit: @ndfna on X

A primary school teacher in Klang is facing public outrage and police investigation after allegedly slapping a 7-year-old student so hard that his cheek swelled up.

The incident was exposed by the victim’s cousin, who shared a post on the social media platform “X” along with photos of the boy’s injured face.

had to unprivate my acc because of this. semalam my cousin umur 7 tahun kena lempang dengan USTAZAH depan orang ramai including cikgu lain hanya kerana cousin i tak jumpa surat dalam bag sekolah. http://pic.twitter.com/udWP8grbR3

— ⚘ (@ndfna) September 19, 2023

According to the post, the teacher slapped the boy when he could not find a letter that she had asked for in his bag. The boy was humiliated and hurt in front of his classmates and other teachers, who did not intervene or help him.

“The teacher asked for a letter, my cousin was looking for it in the bag and couldn’t find it, then just because my cousin couldn’t find it, she slapped my cousin????? WHY DIDN’T SHE HELP FIND IT AT LEAST??? WHY SHOULD HE GET SLAPPED IN FRONT OF A LOT OF PEOPLE??” the cousin wrote.

“The teacher is obviously bigger than a 7-year-old boy. What came to your senses when you were slapping him, if you have a big body, your hands must be big, right?” She said. 

The boy’s mother took him to a clinic, where a doctor confirmed that the swelling was caused by the slap. The cousin also claimed that the letter was found later, after the assault.

The post went viral on social media, sparking anger and condemnation from netizens who demanded justice for the boy.

The police have contacted the teacher and are investigating the case. The school’s headmaster has also reached out to the boy’s family and apologized for the incident. 

However, the cousin expressed dissatisfaction with the school’s initial response, saying that they were slow to act because of some courses. 

She also said that the accused teacher had not apologized or checked on the boy’s condition.

The boy is reportedly traumatized by the incident and has developed a fever. He covers his ears whenever he hears the teacher’s name, the cousin said.


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