Today was the day where nearly 500,000 teenagers waited with bated breath for their SPM results (end of high school examinations for our non-Malaysian readers).
Several outstanding student results have been trending on Twitter, with a massive shout outs going to Penang’s Ahmad Afif Badrul Hisham and Abbimanyu A/L Chithambaram, who both scored straight A+ marks on every single subject. Yes, even maths and physics.
Well done gentlemen, and please remember to TREAT YO’SELF for all that hard work.
To all the rest of us underachievers: Please try harder.
Also, remember that ten years from now no one will care about your SPM results, but they will care about your work ethic and attitude.
More good news: Over 85% of the candidates that sat the exams qualified for their certificate, and the overall national grade average has improved, according to the Education Ministry.
Candidates hoping for a certificate must pass Bahasa Malaysia and History in order to qualify.
The subject with the highest jump of improvement was Bahasa Malaysia.
Biggest decrease of this year? Moral Studies.
You know what they say: Morality is ambiguous, but grammar is 4EVA.