‘Only God can judge’ the Johor Crown Prince’s new blonde hair

The Crown Prince of Johor is making waves again. Because it’s Tuesday, and he doesn’t waste time. 

Fresh off declaring his state reserved the right to secede from the Federation of Malaysia, Tunku Ismail Tunku Ibrahim of Johor pretty much dared the national press to ask him something – anything – about his hair. 

Which is now blonde. Because of (royal) reasons. 

Posting to the official Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page last night, the photo of Tunku Ismail’s near-platinum bleach job was accompanied with his beaming visage, with the caption: “The best business in the world is to mind your own business”.


Wartawan: Ampun Tunku, baru-baru ini Tunku telah mewarnakan rambut, dan ini menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi dan komen….

Posted by JOHOR Southern Tigers on Monday, 19 October 2015

The caption, according to Tunku Ismail, is a life lesson handed down to him by his father, Sultan Ibrahim, who has also been keeping the world’s eyes on Johor with his flashy new multi-million ringgit custom Mack truck

Transcribing a conversation he apparently had with an unnamed journalist, the crown prince had this to say about people who might have something to say about his hair:

It’s my hair. I just did it for fun. If tomorrow I choose to colour it blue or red or shave my head that’s my business. Plus its not going to be like this forever. Its going to be black again soon, so I don’t care what people have to say. Only God can judge me.

He also had some choice words about individuals who have allegedly slandered him and his royal family. 

One day, the PDRM showed me a picture of 2 individuals they reprimanded for slandering my family and I. After I saw how these keyboard warriors looked like, I never got upset anymore as now I understand why these people have nothing better to do. I don’t blame them. No offence, but if I have a face like that, I will hate the whole world too.

He prayed for God’s blessing on his haters, though. 

So … the Crown Prince of Johor is blonde, at least for now. Keep it moving, yes?


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