Missing baby found dead inside babysitter’s freezer

Police, surrounding the babysitter’s home in Batu Caves late last night via Berita Harian
Police, surrounding the babysitter’s home in Batu Caves late last night via Berita Harian

Police looking for a baby reported kidnapped by an unknown assailant tragically found the five-month-old boy’s body last night in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator belonging to his caretaker.

The grisly discovery was made inside a Taman Nakhoda, Batu Caves home at 11pm, with the victim having been stuffed inside a green bag. He was fully clothed, and wearing a diaper.

The victim, Adam Rayqal Mohd Sufi

After the baby’s mother raised the alarm to authorities earlier that day, investigators found that suspicious circumstances arose after questioning the boy’s 33-year-old babysitter, and their 36-year-old housemate.

Both individuals have now been taken into police under suspicion of murder, while they piece together the events that occurred after the baby’s mother dropped him off earlier that day.

Parents appealed to social media users with photos of their son, before discovering the tragic truth behind the death of young Adam Rayqal Mohd Sufi

Some news outlets have begun publishing photos of the caretaker, identified as this woman:



Initial reports say that the baby’s body had no visible injuries; however, the body has been sent to Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a postmortem examination.

Malaysians were alerted to the baby’s disappearance after his distraught parents posted a photo of the young tot on Facebook, asking for the public’s help in locating him, having believed the tall-tale of someone having taken him from his caretakers.



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