Mat Over and Datuk Teoh are cool again after slapfest, no bad blood, everything chill, totally friends

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Just a week after their Prime Ministerial slap-up was caught on camera and gawked at by netizens everywhere, actor Mat Over and movie Datuk David Teoh, have settled their differences.

Last night, in the follow-up to the 17 May event that saw them catfight over who was allowed to speak, they sat next to each other at the Transformasi Nasional Program (NTP)’s annual report launch at Universiti Teknologi Mara.

While giving a speech, under what we dearly hope was better security, Prime Minister Najib Razak pointed out that the two were now sitting next to each other, like two Real Housewives who had settled their differences over a bottle of Pinot. The two men stood up and shook hands for the crowd, under the watchful eye of the PM. Najib Razak told the crowds:

“No need to fight. This is what we want for Malaysia, that everybody gets along.”

Somewhere, up in heaven, Rodney King himself surely gave the PM a fist bump.

Mat Over, whose real name is Sulaiman Yassin, told The Star that last week they apologized to the PM for their behavior, and that Tuesday night more apologies were exchanged.

“That already is a good example,” said Sulaiman. “We do not hold grudges.”

More importantly, he condemned certain NGO groups capitalizing on the events by filing police reports, and politicizing the incident.

Finalizing any more speculation on the matter, he went on to say that, “the incident happened in front of the police [ed. This is worrying]. They know if this is an offense or not [ed. Presumptuous, but fair enough]. It would be wrong if we did not make peace. But we have made amends in front of the Prime Minister. We are Malaysians. It is done.”

Last week, Sulaiman told reporters that he had “No regrets” over slapping Datuk Teoh. We feel you. Great for taking the high road, but also #YOLO.




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