Malaysia’s baby panda will get its name by end of March

How hard could naming a baby be?

Plenty difficult, when the name of said baby has to be agreed upon by two committees representing the governments of two sovereign nations. 

That’s mainly why the new panda cub, the first ever born in Malaysia’s Zoo Negara, has yet to be given a name, despite already being six months old. 

natural Resources and Environment Minister Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar told Bernama today that a list of proposed names for the cub will be submitted to the Chinese government for review.

“When they get back to us, my ministry will choose what we think is the best name from the approved list. I will then propose it to the Cabinet,” he said.

Most of those proposed names were collected from a public “Name the Giant Panda Cub” contest held by the government late last year. (The winner of the contest stands to win a Perodua Myvi.)

The panda cub is the fruit of a union between Xing Xing and Liang Liang, two giant pandas loaned to the Malaysian government by China last year, as part of the celebrations marking 40 years of Malaysian-Chinese diplomatic relations. 


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