Malaysian woman gains praise after defending hawker against knife-wielding men 

After risking her life to stop another hawker from being hacked to pieces by two men brandishing parangs, a woman hawker rose to fame online.

Two young men were first seen arriving at the hawker stall carrying parangs in a video that was uploaded to the Facebook page FTopNews today, sending the customers running in terror.

The men then focused on their intended victim, a male hawker sporting a red apron and a light blue t-shirt.

After a brief chase, the men began slashing wildly at him. The male hawker attempted to defend himself, but he stumbled and hit the ground.

Parang here, parang there, parang everywhere. Damn. Haven’t y’all heard of martial arts??? 

The female hawker bravely charged at the men while holding a plastic chair in her hand, fearing for the safety of her fellow hawker.

She could also be seen clinging to their arms and even pleading with them to let the male hawker go.

The altercation is thought to have happened on Tuesday at Taman Segar Perdana, Cheras, according to the timestamp and caption on the video (Jan 17).

However, it is unknown whether the attack injured both the male and female hawkers.

Since then, the video has received 2,000 reactions and 126,000 views, with many people praising the bravery of the female hawker.



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