Malaysian schools allow casual wear and sports attire for students and teachers due to hot weather

Photo: Lan Rasso/Flickr
Photo: Lan Rasso/Flickr

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that students, teachers, and administrators in all educational institutions under the MOE are allowed to wear appropriate casual wear and sports attire during the current hot weather. 

The MOE stated that it prioritizes the welfare, health, and safety of all involved during the hot spell and prolonged drought. 

The ministry recognizes that hot weather can lead to harmful heat waves that can be detrimental to health. 

Therefore, educational institutions have been instructed to monitor weather conditions continually and take immediate action to ensure the well-being of all. 

“The ministry has agreed to give special permission to students, teachers and the administrative group in all education institutions under the ministry to wear decent clothes and sportswear during the hot weather to avoid any health complications,” it said in a statement. 

“For students who wear school uniforms, wearing a necktie is also not mandatory,” it added.

The guidelines for the closure of educational institutions under the MOE during the hot weather indicate that schools can close if the hot weather is at level two warning and temperatures exceed 37°C for three consecutive days. 

Furthermore, all outdoor activities involving students, teachers, and lecturers must be stopped if the heat reaches level one warning, with the highest temperature exceeding 35°C to 37°C for three days in a row. 

Cross-country running, camping, parades, sports, and agriculture are among the outdoor activities that are not suitable to be carried out during this time.



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