Malaysian man who tried to protect his dogs from enforcement officers to be charged in court

If found guilty, the man identified as Patrick Khoo may face up to two years in jail or a fine up to RM10,000(US$2,268) or both. Photos: Malaysia Independent Animal Rescue Facebook.
If found guilty, the man identified as Patrick Khoo may face up to two years in jail or a fine up to RM10,000(US$2,268) or both. Photos: Malaysia Independent Animal Rescue Facebook.

An elderly man who was assaulted and harassed by enforcement officers last week while they were trying to seize his dogs will be charged in court today under Section 186 of the Penal Code for obstructing government officials from carrying out their duties as he tried to protect his pets from being taken away.

“The investigation paper was referred to the deputy public prosecutor and we have been informed that the man will be charged this Friday,” he said in a statement yesterday.

If found guilty, the man identified as Patrick Khoo, may face up to two years in jail or a fine up to RM10,000(US$2,268) or both.

Last week, Fakhrudin revealed that Khoo was being investigated for obstructing government officials at Taman Kanagapuram.

Although the police chief acknowledged that the elderly man sustained injuries due to being accidentally hit by a rod used to catch stray dogs.

Petaling Jaya member of parliament (MP) Lee Chean Chung expressed concern about the authorities’ legal action against Khoo in a Facebook post, stating that he would support the elderly man despite acknowledging that no one should impede public officers when performing their duties, and the court’s decision should be respected.

Last week, a video showing a purported assault by officers from Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) on an elderly man and his pet dogs gained widespread attention online.

According to the account of a resident in the area, the altercation involved six to seven MBPJ officers who allegedly assaulted the elderly man.



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