Lost Malaysian tapirs wander onto flooded road (Video)

The tapirs in the middle of a flood in Malaysia on Dec. 20, 2021. Photos: Changing_shade/Twitter
The tapirs in the middle of a flood in Malaysia on Dec. 20, 2021. Photos: Changing_shade/Twitter

A pair of majestic Malayan tapirs were spotted splashing about in the floodwater yesterday, appearing lost among the cars trapped in the area believed to be in Pahang.

Hundreds who watched the videos expressed hope that the tapirs would be safe, while prolific nature advocate Aidil Iman Aidid urged people to alert the wildlife department or PERHILITAN if they encounter wild animals stranded or wandering about in the floods.

Source: Changing_shade/Twitter

“This is very sad,” the nature advocate said. “Wildlife sightings in human areas are increasing because of the floods. They must feel lost & confused. I know things are overwhelming right now but if you see any wildlife stuck in drains, trapped somewhere or in need of help, please contact PERHILITAN!”

“Poor wildlife, they lost their homes too,” said Twitter user Changing_shade, who shared the video. 

“Are those tapirs?” a man was heard saying off-camera as the animals moved towards him before running away. “They look so big!” 

The endangered Malayan tapir is native to Southeast Asia, with only about 2,500 mature tapirs across Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 

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